Monday, October 19, 2009

story board

This is my new and improved story board i have wrote down what is happening in each scene and i have worked out where everything goes i may change this story board again becuase its to early to tell but i really want to do the best i can do make a good movie.

This is my story board we used my idea for the movie because my group like the idea of what i thought. James Vanger and Julian Wogman both did a story board but we all decided that my idea was very good and interesting so we all thought we can do another story board but this time we should improve it a lot. so then after James Vanger did another story board and improved it. it was a great success our group were very happy with this and so was I.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Preliminary Task

For our preliminary Task James Vanger filmed me and Frankie, having a conversation about wherefore i thought if Frankie was high or not, because she came very late to meet up with me and i assumed that she was high because her eyes were red. We all edited it on final cut pro. We shot it with one camera and we used very good techniques such as: match on action, shot reverse shot and we also got the 180 degree rule spot on.

Camera Shots and Angles

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These are all the different type of shots i wanted you to see this because you can understand how many different shot sizes there are.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

match on action

Match on action is something that is used in film editing which it is a cut that connects two different views of the same action at the same moment in the movement. It also is where you match the camera shot to the action that is happening in the scene.


Continuity is about how some movies make very small mistakes like in Jurassic park the movie there is a scene where the is a white towel, but when the puase the flim to edit it by mistake they change the towel into a pink towel. There was another scene where this old man was at the back of the plane and after he was the first person to come out of the plane which cant really happen.

180 degree rule

I have learned that for example you go to a football pitch you never get cameras on both sides the reason for this is because that will confuse the audience. when you see a movie the camera wont be going both sides because then that would confuse us the audience because you will think that the person is going both ways.

Today's lesson

Today in class we learned how to upload films to our computers. we went around our school and filming interesting things that we could find. I found the task a bit hard but me and my partner did succeed this task.

Thursday, October 1, 2009