Tuesday, May 4, 2010

My Contribution

My contribution towards the project, was to act and edited the opening sequence. I feel that the first time I acted the first sequence was very hard for me becuase it was very different to act in front of a camera i act a lot in theater but when the camera was shooting at me i felt very embarrassed and in a way weird because all the tension was on me.,Therefore, re-shooting gave me the chance to learn from my mistakes and make sure I could make the second time better. However, the second time we re-shoot the weather was very unreliable and we ended up having to re-shoot again we did pretty well we tried our best and also all of us wanted to do well so we would go on a Sunday and a Saturday to re shoot we really wanted to do well so we really went for it this time and i think i was a success we edited it a lot and work very hard we would edit at break times and lunch times also we would work on it at home just to make it interesting for the audiences and we want everyone to like it.

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